Company Formation in India, Corporate & Commercial Law
How to start a Company from Scratch?

How to start a Company from Scratch?

Starting a company from scratch doesn’t have to be technical or complicated, but it requires a lot of planning and organization of various tasks. Here is the list of steps to be followed when you desire to start off a company from scratch.

Do an Honest Evaluation of Yourself

One needs to assess his core capabilities and caliber as well as should ascertain the weak areas where he/she might need to seek professional help.

For instance, you may be good at public speaking which can help when raising money, but bad at accounting which just means that you’ll need to find some kind of help with that area of the business.

Evaluate Your Idea

If your business idea involves the formation of a new product or service (or even an enhancement to an existing product or service), it needs to be ascertained and evaluated this is technically called market research of a product or a service.

There are firms whose core area is doing market research for new products, but if you are on tight budgets, you can do this yourself.

Therefore one must develop such kind of idea that will help its business to grow and help in achieving the goals and objectives in an effective and efficient manner.

Make a Business Plan

Basically, you can think of a business plan as an outline or blueprint of your business. A good business plan should have the following elements:-

  • Executive Summary – This should lay out the business’s product or service and the problem that it solves for the consumer.
  • Market Evaluation– This should talk about the market you are serving. Is it an expanding market, and how does your product better fulfill the consumers in that market.
  • Market Strategies– How are you going to penetrate the market and sell your product?
  • Operational Plan– How will the company run from day today? Who are the key employees and what their specific rolls are. Do your key players have specific goals set for them in advance?

A final word on making a business plan: while lying is never acceptable especially when you are using the business plan to raise money, it is acceptable to “put your best foot forward”.

Playing up the positives while minimizing the negatives is almost expected in a business plan.

Besides, banks, as well as professional investors, will both do a more in-depth analysis before investing any money into your idea.

Execution of a Business plan:-

After the Business idea is evaluated and planned accordingly the last step is the execution of the plan. The goals that were initially planned out will now be brought into the operation. In case of any deviation or discrepancies arises corrective action will be taken.

Contact the Best Company Formation / Setup Branch Office in India, ADR Law firm in Delhi today, LEGALLANDS LLP will help you with all the matters relating to FEMAFDIADRCorporate & CommercialFamily LawIPR, International Trade & TaxOther Advisory Services, and Business Setup advisory in India and Abroad. Contact today at +91 11 46045777 or

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